Friday, November 21, 2014

Data/data table



 The sites visited were:

1. HowStuffWorks
Hydroponic Nutrients - HowStuffWorks

2. Youtube
Hydroponics DIY: Build A Flood And Drain / Ebb and FlowHydroponic System


Thursday, November 20, 2014


              The purpose of this project was to find a faster way of agriculture than conventional farming.
The procedures to this project were First build the hydroponics system using a RotoZip some drills and drill bits. We then built the soil system using soil and planting pods. We then set up the grow lights for the plants. I measured the plants every week one day each and found that the hydroponics system works better than the soil system and typically grew 4cm taller than the soil plants.

My conclusion is that the hydroponics system was the fastest and most efficient system and that my hypothesis was proven correct.


My conclusion to this project is that the Hydroponics system worked better than the soil system. The hydroponics system had at least a height twice as high as the soil system. I know that the hydroponics system is hard to make but it is much more efficient that the soil based on the data.


1. The hydroponics system system was much more efficient

2. The system wasted no water

3. Plants had a higher chance of thriving


1. Some what expensive

2. System is slightly hard to configure and keep stable

3. Plants had a more probable rate of drowning

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Plant Height

 Soil 3 to 3 and 1/2 inch height

Hydroponics plant system 4 to 5 inch height.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


The purpose of this project is to find a more sustainable source of agriculture that grows better. Because soil is conventional but has risk for bugs we wanted to find a way around the bugs and the time. WE chose hydroponics.


My hypothesis is: If we have constant flow and nutrients to the plants in the Hydroponics system the will grow more because they will be constantly fed and have nutrients.

 The control group will be the regular soil system.

Title Page

                     MICHAEL'S HYDROPONICS LAB


My question: Which type of system will work better, Soil system or Hydroponics system?


Our independent variables in this project were:

1. Amount of water for hydroponics system.

2. When the lights were turned on.

3. Amount of solution for hydroponics system.

4. How many plants.

5. Watering times for soil system.

6. The media (that's what the plant sits in soil or clay pebbles).

Our dependent variables in this project:

1. Grow times.

2. Plant life to death ratio.

3. Plant size.